Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe.

I just finished reading George Siemens, Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age.   There were several ideas in this paper that really crystallized some thoughts I have had running around in my head for a while.  But one of the sentences that I really like is The pipe is more important than the content within the pipe.  As someone that works on a National Learning program on a daily basis, this is so true.  The content in my pipe changes on a daily, even hourly basis sometimes.  

But knowing how to the pipe works and how to get new, custom even, content into the pipe in order to accomplish my goals is what is more important, then the content that comes out of the pipe everyday.... Turning the right taps on at the right time...hope this makes sense..... 


Monday, January 17, 2011

CCK11 - My Second MOOC

This week is the start of CCK11 (Connectivism and Connective Knowledge 2011) and I am looking forward to participating in it.  I took part in PLENK2010, but found my involvement dwindled at towards the second half of the course for a variety of reasons.  I think part the problem was time, but it also my first foray back into something academic in almost 10 years, which I don't think I was quite prepared for.  I am eager to get involved in CCK11 though, I have a couple of colleagues who are also joining me on this adventure, which will help my participation as well as my learning, and I think I am much more prepared for this course than I was the last time.   I will continue to take notes in google docs and make them available for all, and of course to ppost here in this blog.  I may even try something new like a video or somethng this time around.

If you interested in the course, check out the site here: http://cck11.mooc.ca/