Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Must remember to Google first....

hmm been a while since my last post... guess I was on summer holidays. :o)

I had an interesting experience the other day. I was tasked with getting some graphics out a pdf. I thought that, if it was possible, it would take me a couple of hours working photoshop in order to lift the graphics. Not something I was looking forward to doing. I started on the first graphic and after about 10 minutes realized that this was not going to work. Then on a whim figuring someone else had done this before, I googled my problem... it turns out there is menu tab that enables you to lift the images from a pdf. 10 minutes later, I was finished.

This for some reason drove home the notion that it may be worth while to check out Google whenever I get a new request..

Must remember to Google first...
Must remember to Google first...
Must remember to Google first...
Must remember to Google first...

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